Educational Student Clinics & Interns Clinics

Students practice their clinical training in modern clinics of dentistry with a special design that suits the patient and the treating doctor with paying more attention to the care and comfort of the patient during treatment and sterilizing units and tools used to protect the doctor and the patient from infection with many diseases such as epidemic hepatitis and AIDS. In this respect, the college committee of fighting infection applies strict rules to prevent infection from spreading.

 In addition, the system of (fiber-optics) has been  introduced to operation techniques to help in facilitating and perfecting treatment.  


A separate clinic is assigned for every student for training in clinical stage that includes the 4th, 5th, 6th academic years. The college adopts the system of inclusive age treatment which gives the student the chance to treat the patent in all age specialties in his own private clinic where there is one of nursing staff in every clinic. Treatment is performed under full supervision of teaching staff . 

every student explains one of the  cases he has treated in front of his colleagues and teaching staff during seminars assigned fro this purpose enlisted in the academic timetable.

Last Update
10/30/2010 10:27:59 PM