Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
The administrative coordination from the point of view of the general administration members (Male/Female) in each of:
التنسيق الإداري من وجهة نظر منسوبي ومنسوبات الإدارة العامة بكل من: جامعة الملك عبد العزيز وإدارة التربية والتعليم في محافظة جدة
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This study aims at trying to recognize the problems that affect the effectiveness of the administrative coordination that limits the effectiveness of communication in the governmental organizations, and to achieve this objective ,the researcher (Female) has put a main question which represents the study problem, which is : what are the administrative problems that limit the effectiveness of the administrative communication in the governmental organizations from the point of view of their male and female members? Many questions have been branched out, from this main question, which are represented in the actual current coordination and the problems which encounter coordination, the proper ways for coordination, and the importance of the administrative coordination for the governmental organizations, and to achieve the study objectives, the researcher used the linking descriptive approach to know the point of view of the members of K.A.U. and the Education Administration in Jeddah through distributing( forms, returned (300) valid forms to be analyzed reached (188) forms, and for the purpose of analyzing data of the study, then she used the statistical packs systems(5pss)so, the study has concluded to : the research samples agreed that there must be a medium(middle) degree of coordination between both parts of the organization in (3,37) percent, Also the research samples agreed to clear the coordination problems that decrease the effectiveness of the administrative communication between both parts of the administration, the complexity of procedures and routine. The researcher’s opinions had agreed upon the research samples. The effective cooperative methods with the percentage of (4,00) they also agreed on the importance of coordination with (4,22) percent and found statistic differences in the opinions of society individuals of the research towards coordination problems according to some of their personal and functional characteristics, they are, the organization, sex, age, job, and the number of years of experiences, and they light of the general results there were some recommendations and the most important of them are : To limit the style of centralization, to adapt the style of decentralization which assists in lessening the complexity of procedures and routines, defining communication channels through the procedural proves(evidences) of each part which help modify/correct deviations and correct them, to develop and train male/female employees on the electronic administrative coordination styles 
Supervisor : awatef amin yussif 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1431 AH
2010 AD
Number Of Pages : 119 
Added Date : Tuesday, March 18, 2014 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
خيرية عبدالعزيز عسليasali, khireh abdulazizInvestigatorMaster 


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