Dental Surgery


The University Council on the proposal of Faculty Council decides the number of students who will be admitted for the next academic year.

Admission requirements

For admittance in the faculty of dentistry the student should fulfil the following requirements:

  • High school diploma or equivalent certificates dating no more than two years and obtained from academic institutes within the kingdom of Saudi Arabia or abroad that are recognized by the Saudi Ministry of Education (MoE). Only applicants who have graduated within the past two years are accepted in to the predoctoral program at KAUFD.
  • Letter of good conduct and behavior from their most recent academic institute.
  • Successfully pass a written entrance exam and interview (re-sit to this exam are not allowed), excluded from this exam are any students who did not attend on time for the nomination of the College.
  • Applicants who are employed in either governmental or special sectors must present letters of approval from their respective employing body.
  • Applicants must be medically fit for the program.
  • Any additional conditions specified and declared by the university council must be fulfilled by the applicant.
  • Applicants who are admitted at KAU must complete the “Scientific Track”’ Preparatory/Foundation year, with a minimum grade of 4.5 GPA. Students must obtain at least a B+ score in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology as a start, then the weighted percentage is calculated.
  • Applicant transferring from another university and applying directly to the Dental Surgery Program at KAUFD and are required to show evidence of completion of pre-requisite course requirements (see table below).
  • Table: Pre-requisite course requirements for admission into KAUFD

    Course Title Credit Hours
    Foundation Year Program “Scientific Track” English Language I 3
    Computer 3
    Physics 3
    Mathematics 3
    Communication Skills 3
    Statistics 3
    Biology 3
    Chemistry 3
    English Language II 3
    1. The student must have studied in college at a university recognized and approved by the Saudi MOHE.
    2. Must not have been dismissed/discharged from the original university for disciplinary reasons.
    3. Must have a GPA of no less than (3).
    4. Must not have any penalties on his/her academic record from the original university.
    5. Must not have completed 50% or more of Graduation requirements in original program.
    6. Certified transcript from the transferred university are required as evidence of completion of pre-requisite courses.
    7. The transfer will be accepted for second year or third year only

    Student Transfer

    King Abdulaziz University gives students the opportunities to transfer between colleges schools based on the criteria of college the student will transfer to after passing two academic semesters in the original college, based on the following conditions:

    First: The conditions for transfer between colleges (general).

    1. GPA not less than 3 out 5.
    2. Transfer between colleges is only allowed for one time.
    3. Transfer should meet all the criteria set by the college he/she will transfer to.
    4. Did not study more than half time of the graduation requirements.
    5. Does not have any penalties on his/her academic record.

    Second: The special conditions of the transfer of scientific faculties of the College of Engineering.

    1. GPA not less than 3 out 5.
    2. Transfer between schools is only allowed for one time.
    3. Transfer should meet all the criteria set by the school he/she will transfer to.
    4. Did not study more than half time of Graduation requirements.
    5. Does not have any penalties on his/her academic record.

    Third: Criteria for transfer between health Science College (Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy).

    Students can be admitted to any health science college.

    Fourth: The special conditions to transfer to the College Applied Science.

    1. The student can transfer to any health science school.
    2. Transfer between schools is allowed once only.
    3. Transfer should meet all the criteria set by the school he/she will transfer to.
    4. Did not complete more than 50% of Graduation requirements in original program.
    5. Does not have any penalties on his/her academic record.
    6. Student must have a GPA of no less than (3).

    Kinetics of Transfer

  • Applying for colleges enrolment is done through the electronic services system On-Demand University Service (ODUS) and only at the pre-specified times. In addition, all application must submit a hardcopy of the application and related documents. If student fails to apply via the ODUS system and hand in the material on the pre-specified time, the student will not be accepted.
  • Upon successfully submitting the application on ODUS each applicant receives an electronic message of confirmation and all future correspondence is performed in that manner until the applicant is accepted into the foundation year upon which KAU students are assigned their official KAU emails as well as the KAU username and password allowing them to access all required information through ODUS and relevant student’s sites.

  • Study Plan

    Study Plan (Regulatory Aspects)

    Follows Rules and Regulation for Study and Examination for university level.

    First Article: Definitions Academic Year: A full academic year is not less than thirty weeks during which the syllabus is taught, and not including registration, nor final examinations periods.
    Standard of Study: Which indicates the study level, and is awarded for a whole academic year.
    The Curriculum: A course of study which follows a certain standard within the approved plan study. Each course should have a number, a code, a name and a detailed description of its times which differentiate it, in respect of standard and content, from other courses. Each division should have a filing system for preservation, follow-up, evaluation and development. Some courses may have requisites, pre-requisites or others simultaneously.
    Unit of Study: A weekly theoretical lecture which is not less than fifty minutes, a scientific lesson, a clinical lesson or field lesson, which is not less than a hundred minutes for half a year time.
    An Academic Warning: The notification which is addressed to the student when he has only one chance left for success before rolling his entry.
    Degree of Year Works: Degree awarded for work which shows the achievements of the student through an academic year including examinations, researches learning activities related to the curriculum.
    Final Examinations: An examination in the curriculum held once a year the conclusion of the course.
    Degree of Final Examination: It is the degree achieved by the student in each course in the final examination for the academic year.
    The Final Degree: The total degrees of year works added to the final examination degree in each course.
    Evaluation: The description of the percentage or the alphabetical symbol for the final degree achieved by the student in each course.
    General Evaluation: Measurement of learning achievements for the student through his university study.

    The Study System
    1. Derived from the fifth, seventh and eight articles of study and examinations for university level.
    2. Study in the faculty of dentistry follows the full academic year system.
    3. Study consists of six study levels followed by a compulsory practical year (internship).
    4. The student graduates when pass successfully through all study levels dictated by the study plan and in accordance with the regulations of transition from a level to another.
    5. The curriculum is distributed over six levels. Every level has its number of units of study according to study plans.
    6. Students’ progresses in study levels from the low levels up to higher levels according to approved stud plans.
    7. Failing student will repeat the study level they fail in.

    Persistence and excuse from study
    1. Derived from the ninth, tenth and thirteenth articles of study and examinations for university level.
    2. The student should attend all lectures practical and clinical lessons, and will not allowed to sit for the examination if his attendance is less than 90% of lectures, practical and clinical lessons appointed for each course through the academic year, and the student will fail the course. Accordingly, failing student has to repeat the course studying and examining.
    3. The university council or their representatives has the right, exceptionally, to exempt a student and allow him to sit for the exam on condition that he/she should present an accepted excuse and his attendance should not be less than 80% of lectures, practical and clinical lessons limited to each course.
    4. The student can be excused for an academic year without being considered a failure, on condition that he/she submits a valid excuse to the faculty council at least ten weeks before the beginning of examinations.
    5. The student should fulfil clinical and laboratory requirements which are stated by the department. If these requirements are not fulfilled the student will be excluded from the final exam, and has to repeat the study of the course and the examination.

    Delaying of study and refrainment
    Derived from the fourteenth and fifteenth articles of study and examinations regulation for university level:
    1. The student can submit an application for delaying study on condition that he presents an accepted excuse to the faculty council. Period of delaying should not exceed two intermittent years, during the whole stay in the university, after which his entry will be terminated.
    2. If the two years are consecutive, the university council, in extreme necessity may allow the student to continue his/her study, on condition that he/she passes a qualifying exam in the subjects of the last grade he has succeeded in. If student fails, he/she may be admitted in the last academic year he has passed. This result should not be included in his general evaluation.
    3. If the student did not become regular in study for more than four weeks without applying for a delay his entry will be terminated.
    4. If a student refrained from study for more than four weeks without applying for a delay his entry will be terminated, and the council has the right to dismiss the student for a period less than that.

    Entry Restoration
    Derived from the seventeenth and eighteenth articles of the study and examinations regulation for university level.
    1. Student whose entry has been terminated may submit an application of restoration of entry, with his/her same number and record before his refrainment pursuant to these principles:

      a) His/her application submission should be within two years from termination of entry.
      b) The faculty council should approve the entry restoration together authorities concerned.
      c) If three or more years have passed since the termination of the student entry, he/she can submit a new application of admittance to the university without going back to his former record. In that case all conditions of admittance declared at that time should conform to him.
      d) Entry restoration should not be more than once.

    2. It is not permitted to restore the entry of a dismissed student from the University for educational or disciplinary causes; nor that dismissed from another university for the same reasons. If it is found that a student who has restore his entry, has been dismissed before for these reasons his entry should be cancelled from the date of his entry restoration.
    3. It is not permitted to restore entry for a student in pathological cases which hinder his continuation in study or his practicing the profession of dentistry.


    Derived from the twentieth article of the study and examination regulation for university level. The student will be graduated once he/she has accomplished all graduation requirements successfully based on study plan, his/her general evaluation should not be less than satisfactory, and when completed the compulsory practical year (internship) successfully

    Dismissal from the University

    Derived from the twentieth article of the study and examinations regulation for university level.

    The student should be dismissed from the university in these cases:
    1. If he/she did not succeed three academic years in the first and the second levels.
    2. If he/she did not succeed after three years in the third and fourth levels.
    3. If he/she did not succeed after two academic years in the fifth level and the university council has the right, on the recommendation of the faculty council, to grant him no more than one last chance.
    4. If he/she failed in the sixth level for four times; and the university council has the right, on the recommendation of the faculty council, to grant him more than two final chances.

    Evaluation and Examinations

    Derived from the eleventh, twelfth, twenty-second, up to the thirtieth of the study examinations regulation for university level.

    A first session final examination should be held, for all the first five levels, at the end of the academic year. The second session examination should be held before the beginning of the next academic year. A final examination every six months should be held for the sixth level, one of which should be at the end of the academic year. The student who fails in the final exam for the sixth level should repeat the examination in the subjects he has failed in only, with his/her obligation to attend all clinical and preclinical subjects, which he has already succeed in, for the first, second, third, fourth and fifth levels.

    1. The faculty council has the right, on the recommendation of the concerned department council, to include in the final exam for any syllabus, practical and oral examinations, and state the degrees allotted for that from final exam degrees.
    2. The student who fails the final examinations the first session is allowed to sit for the second session examination, and if he/she failed the second session examination will repeat the study in the failed subjects only, provided that there is no contraindication with the eight articles. Also obliged to attend all clinical and preclinical subjects which he has passed for the first, second, third, fourth and fifth study levels.
    3. The student who is absent from the final exam for a course or part of it “written, oral practical or clinical” will be regarded a failure in that course, and the faculty council has the right, in extreme necessity, to accept his emergent excuse and allow him to sit for the next exam, and in that case he will be granted the grade he has achieved after the examination.
    4. The yearly evaluation for the success of a student is calculated in each level of study levels according to arithmetic mean for evaluations which student gains in each course, with regard that his grade should not exceed satisfactory in the course he/she has failed in or was absent from without an excuse. But if student is absent for an accepted excuse the grade achieved will be counted.
    5. The faculty council designate marks for year works (continuous assessment) not less than 30% of the final mark.
    6. Marks for year works should be estimated by one of the following:
    7. Oral, practical, clinical, researches, types of other class activities or all of these or some of them, together with at least one written exam.
    8. At least two written exams.
    9. Year works mark is not included in the second session marks for all study levels.
    10. The evaluation of student success is estimated for each course and study level as follows: Excellent (from 85% to 100%) – very good (less than 85% to 75%) – good (less than 75% to 65%) – satisfactory (less than 65% to 60%) – failure (less than 60%).
    11. The final general evaluation for the bachelor’s degree is calculated according to the following:
    12. 2.5% of the percentage the student has achieved in the second level.
    13. 5% of the percentage the student has achieved in the third level.
    14. 7.5% of the percentage the student has achieved in the fourth level.
    15. 25% of the percentage the student has achieved in the fifth level.
    16. 60% of the percentage the student has achieved in the sixth level.
    17. 10. The student is awarded the first degree of honor if his general evaluation in the bachelor’s degree is excellent, and will be awarded the second degree of honor if his general evaluation is very good, and in both cases his grades in any level of study should not be less than very good and he should not have been a failure in any examination in this university or others.

    The Compulsory Practical Year (Internship)

    The students who have passed the final examination for the bachelor’s degree should spend a compulsory practical year (internship) – its duration is twelve months and the faculty council decides the beginning. It includes practical periods in the different specialties of dentistry. At the end of each period of practice the intern will be evaluated by the concerned division. If an intern did not achieve a satisfactory report, then he/she has to repeat the practice period in that division, pursuant to the recommendation of the concerned division council and its approval from the Dean. At the successful termination of the compulsory internship year, the dentist will be awarded a certificate showing periods of practice in each specification, approved by the principal.

    Procedure of Final Examination Derived from the thirty-first up to forty-first articles of the study and examinations regulation for university level.
    1. The faculty council has the right to form a committee which cooperate with the scientific department in the organization to organize the final examinations procedures. The committee should review the marks registration in the result sheets, and presenting them to the concerned committee within a period of not more than three days from the date examining any course.
    2. The faculty council has the right to apply secrecy in the final examinations procedure.
    3. Faculty members for each course should set the questions for examination and coordinate with the head of department. The department council determines the distribution of questions on the parts of the course.
    4. Each faculty member will correct the papers for the final examination of his course. The head of department may, if needed, use the expertise of one of the specialists or more in the correction process. Also, the faculty council, when necessary, can designate an expert to correct the papers.
    5. The responsible faculty should register the marks achieved by the students in the final examination in the result sheets prepared for that purpose; he should sign it and approve it from the head of the department.
    6. The student should not sit for more than two courses in the same day, but the faculty council has the right to change this rule.
    7. The student cannot be allowed to enter any examination after half an hour from the beginning of the exam; and he/she will not be allowed also to get out before half an hour from beginning.
    8. Cheating in the examination, attempting to cheat, break instructions or oppose regulations and principles of examinations will be punished for according to student disciplinary rules regulation issued by the university council.
    9. The faculty council, when necessary, may agree to repeat correction of an examination paper within a period not more than the beginning of the examinations of the next term.
    10. The faculty council, in accordance with the recommendation of the concerned department council will specify the time allotted for the final written examinations; on condition that it should not be less than an hour, nor more than three hours.
    11. Without violation to the rules included in the eleventh articles, the university council states regulations which are concerned with procedures of final examinations.

    General Rules

    Derived from the Fifty-first, fifty-second and fifty-third articles of study and examinations regulations for university level. This regulation cancels all previous regulations that regulate study and examinations in the faculty of dentistry.

    Last Update
    5/8/2017 3:16:42 PM